About Clyde FC Community Foundation

We help our community succeed and live happier, healthier lives. Established as a Charity in 2009, we sit at the heart of our growing community.

Our Values


To everyone, always


About what we do and the way we do it


In our drive to succeed


About what we do and how we do it

What We Do

As the official charity of Clyde Football Club, we are dedicated we are committed to supporting our local communities through our programmes and we aim to improve the lives of those we work with through physical activity and education.

We offer a range of programmes across Glasgow, North Lanarkshire and South Lanarkshire. Our programmes are open to all ages with a number of partnership programmes. Our partners include local authorities, schools and organisations.

Our range of sessions include the following:

- Bully Wee Kickers (2-4 years old)
- Walking Football
- Mental Health Football
- Girls Football
- School Sessions
- Community Teams